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A member registered Dec 09, 2023

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When I use the character spritesheets ( Character_Generator > Bodies > 48x48) in Godot, they don't line up exactly.  I found out that there are extra spaces to the right and bottom of the images. I had to crop the character body images in an image editing software to in order to align them correctly.

My 48x48 resized image is 2688px X 1920px 

2688px (width) : 48px * 56 Hframes

1920px (height): (30px vertical padding on top of characer's head+ 66 px height) * 20 Vframes.

I only cropped from the right side  of the image, I also made it so the bottom of the image is touching the feet of the character body. After that they work perfectly fine with Godot.

It is just a bit annoying to do but easy enough with GIMP.  Anyway they are so so cute and the included animations are so detailed too. The folder is massive. I really love and enjoy them and please keep up the good work!